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At the Appointment Desk, you will find works that I have created to use with our many clients at Thomas Concept.
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In the Browsing Aisle, you will find many works of my own as well as research of others with whom I have collaborated over the years. These works are available to you now.
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You can fill out the Appointment Calendar to learn more.
I created these works to help clients use the Opposite Strengths system. Please fill out the Appointment Calendar so that I can show you how these items and my services can help you and your organization sustain your success.
The Power of Opposite Strengths: Sustaining Your Success
Opposite Strengths Pocket Guide
The Power of Opposite Strengths Seminar: Sustaining Your Success
Sustained Success in Relationships Workshop
Certification Manuals
Opposite Strengths Facilitator Kit
Opposite Strengths Coach Kit
Psychometric Analyses
Opposite Strengths Individual Analysis of Strengths
Opposite Strengths Cultural Analysis of Strengths
Opposite Strengths Cultural Strengths Profile
Professional Reports
Opposite Strengths Guide To Being Yourself
Opposite Strengths Guide To Being Flexible
Opposite Strengths Relationship Guide
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